Calibration and metrology services
Get field and laboratory standards calibrated in our metrology lab
About our services
In our metrology lab, we calibrate weights and measures for business owners, service technicians, farmers, and industry personnel who work with measuring devices for mass and volume.
Businesses we serve include scale companies, fuel companies, and other businesses that rely upon precise measurements.
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NIST Certificate of Metrological Traceability
LDAF’s Weights and Measures Division recently received a two-year Certificate of Metrological Traceability from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which ensures that all calibrations performed by the laboratory are traceable to the International System of Units through NIST and that the lab is also competent, impartial, and independent. The State of Louisiana voluntarily participates in this formal evaluation process for the recognition of metrological traceability.
To obtain the certification, LDAF’s Weights and Measures Division must submit their laboratory’s Quality Management System documents, an internal audit, results from the year’s proficiency tests, and all measurement assurance evidence. Depending on NIST’s confidence in laboratory competency and compliance with all standards and requirements associated with state weights and measures laboratory programs, they issue either a one- or two-year Certificate of Metrological Traceability.
Of the 47 state labs in the US, only 22 of them have a two-year certificate, and Louisiana is one of them. LDAF’s lab received a two-year certificate for the first time in 2021, and have continued to do so again in 2023 and 2025. As of 2025, Louisiana has also received NIST recognition to calibrate small mass weights at a Mass Echelon II level as well as perform volume gravimetric calibrations. We’re proud of these outstanding achievements and will continue to embrace high standards in the work we do every day to protect Louisiana consumers.
LA cert 25-26
Louisiana NIST Recognition Certificate 2025-2026
Metrology resources
Calibration ensures that the customer gets the precise amount of product they pay for.
Examples of calibrations
If you are a feed and grain dealer who calibrates scales in your warehouse using iron or steel weights, a mass calibration will ensure the weight labeled one gram or one kilogram weighs precisely one gram or kilogram.
If you are a gas station owner who sells fuel by the gallon, a volume calibration will guarantee the customer is getting the precise measure shown on the pump readout.
If your business requires you to set costs based on precise measurements of weight, mass, and/or volume, we recommend scheduling a professional calibration with us. This will certify that the mass and volume artifacts you use in your business are providing accurate and trustworthy results for you and your customers.
Preparing items for calibration
All weights must be clean and free of rust and other foreign material/contaminants.
All cast iron weights shall have a fresh, light coat of aluminum spray paint.
All cast iron weights shall have a legible and unique identifying serial number permanently etched on the surface of the weight.
Any weight received in poor condition will be rejected and/or returned for repair at the submitter's expense.
Test measures/provers:
All test measures must be cleaned with a non-foaming detergent to remove hydrocarbon residue.
Test measures shall not have rust or dents.
Test measures shall have a metal identification plate permanently attached to the front of the test measure.
Any test measure received in poor condition, missing components, or leaking will be rejected and/or returned for repair at the submitter's expense.
If your submission is rejected
If a mass or volume artifact is rejected, our staff will apply a red tag on the device that cannot be removed. (Removing a red tag may result in a fine of $500 and an adjudicatory hearing). Your next steps:
Repair the item or remove it from service completely.
If the item is repaired, resubmit it to our lab for recalibration.
If the item is in compliance , we will remove the red tag.
The Measurement Insider NEW!
Vol. 1, Issue 1 ( March 2024 )
Vol. 1 Issue 2 ( June 2024 )
Vol. 1 Issue 3 (September 2024)
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